Welcome to enJOYing Birth!

As of August 2009, I have completed my coursework as a Childbirth International student. I am now a Certified Labor Doula and Childbirth Educator. I look forward to continue helping women enjoy their pregnancies, their births, and their babies.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

8th Month Pregnancy Photos

Bebek is Baby in Turkish.
These photos were taken by my friend Lorie Shepsky. I don't remember feeling as tired as I looked that morning. I guess it is just my" 40 year old-8 months pregnant with 6 kids under 13 years old" look. Not so bad when I think of it that way! Today, August 15th, I am 40 weeks pregnant. I am hoping baby will be coming in next 4-5 days ...or sooner!

What is YOUR quess? Girl or Boy?


  1. I am voting boy based on the dream I had where I delivered the baby with Rachel's assistance!

  2. Beautiful, Stace! I can't even begin to guess....can't wait to see #7!
